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Neolithic: Figurines and models

fleche Presentation fleche Two-headed figurines fleche Zoomorphic vessels

Two-headed figurines

Two-headed zoomorphic clay figurine; end of Late Neolithic II (c. 4300 BC).The two-headed zoomorphic figurine as it was found on the oven of house 1. A two-headed zoomorphic figurine, approximately 20 cm long, was found intact on the floor of the oven House 1, during the 2008 excavation.
Similar objects were already known from Dikili Tash, as well as from other sites in Greece and Bulgaria, but the discovery of such an object in place is quite exceptional. The detailed study of its structure and of the traces preserved on its surface should allow us to determine why it was in the oven.

The two-headed figurine during its discovery (2008).

Last Update : 3/02/12
